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Nursing Entrance Test Prep


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Nursing Entrance Test Prep(圖1)-速報App

Pass the NET (Nursing Entrance Test) on Your First Attempt!

Scrumic Resources is Proud to have Brought You High-Quality Test Prep Contents You Will Not Find Anywhere Else.

Scrumic App Allows You To Study Anywhere, Anytime, Without Internet Connection, and Without Additional In-App Purchases.

Key Features:

• Latest Update 2018

• Two Study Modes

• Unique and Custom Written Content

• Create Custom Sets of Exams

• Free Future Apps (Lifetime)

Nursing Entrance Test Prep(圖2)-速報App

• Autosave Feature

• Strong Progress Tracking

• Score Report and Review Answers

• And Many More ...


The NET is specifically designed to identify students who are likely to succeed in nursing school. It tests your ability to apply the critical thinking skills that nurses need to use every day. You need to know how to apply what you’ve learned to the questions being asked. That requires a different way of studying. One that’s tailored to material you’ll find on the actual test.


Please Note:

Scrumic Resources is Not Affiliated WITH/BY Testing Agency And Trademark Owner, All Organizational And Exam Names Are The Trademarks Of Their Respective Organizations.

Nursing Entrance Test Prep(圖3)-速報App


Nursing Entrance Test Prep(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad